@@ -86,6 +86,18 @@ The images should be added to gcode file when slicing, and MKS has developed the
- Enter the `.pio\build\mks_robin_nano35` directory, copy the `assets` folder and `Robin_nano35.bin` to the sd card or usb disk
- Insert sdcard or usb disk to the motherboard, and you can see the update interface after power on.
3. Example build config:
-[Open the example configuration file](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-Firmware/tree/master/config/MKS%20Robin%20nano%20v3.0).
- Modify the parameters, replace configuration.h and configuration_adv.h in the Marlin path of the source code.
- Compile the firmware.
4.Corresponding model firmware
-[Find the corresponding firmware](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V3.X/tree/main/firmware/Marlin-bugfix2.0.x-MKS-2.1.2).
- Copy the `assets` folder and `Robin_nano35.bin` to the sd card or usb disk
- Insert sdcard or usb disk to the motherboard, and you can see the update interface after power on.
## For more function configuration, please refer to Robin nano series Wiki
-[MKS Robin Nano V1.x Wiki](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V1.X/wiki).
-[MKS Robin Nano V2.x Wiki](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V2.X/wiki).
@@ -100,4 +112,3 @@ Please refer to [MKS Robin Nano V2 github](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-
## More information about the Robin Nano V3.X
Please refer to [MKS Robin Nano V3 github](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V3.X).