GO Remote Desktop Gateway
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RDPGW is an implementation of the Remote Desktop Gateway protocol. This allows you to connect with the official Microsoft clients to remote desktops over HTTPS. These desktops could be, for example, XRDP desktops running in containers on Kubernetes.
RDPGW aims to provide a full open source replacement for MS Remote Desktop Gateway, including access policies.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
RDPGW provides multi factor authentication out of the box with OpenID Connect integration. Thus you can integrate your remote desktops with Keycloak, Okta, Google, Azure, Apple or Facebook if you want.
RDPGW wants to be secure when you set it up from the beginning. It does this by having OpenID Connect integration enabled by default. Cookies are encrypted and signed on the client side relying on Gorilla Sessions. PAA tokens (gateway access tokens) are generated and signed according to the JWT spec by using jwt-go signed with a 256 bit HMAC. Hosts provided by the user are verified against what was provided by the server. Finally, the client's ip address needs to match the one it obtained the token with.
How to build & install
cd rdpgw
make install
By default the configuration is read from rdpgw.yaml
. Below is a
# web server configuration.
# disable TLS if termination happens somehwere else (e.g. a load balancer)
# note: rdp connections over a gateway require TLS
disableTLS: false
# TLS certificate files
certFile: server.pem
keyFile: key.pem
# gateway address advertised in the rdp files
gatewayAddress: localhost
# port to listen on (change to 80 or equivalent if not using TLS)
port: 443
# list of acceptable desktop hosts to connect to
- localhost:3389
- my-{{ preferred_username }}-host:3389
# Allow the user to connect to any host (insecure)
- any
# if true the server randomly selects a host to connect to
roundRobin: false
# a random strings of at least 32 characters to secure cookies on the client
# make sure to share this across the different pods
sessionKey: thisisasessionkeyreplacethisjetzt
sessionEncryptionKey: thisisasessionkeyreplacethisnunu!
# tries to set the receive / send buffer of the connections to the client
# in case of high latency high bandwidth the defaults set by the OS might
# be to low for a good experience
# receiveBuf: 12582912
# sendBuf: 12582912
# Open ID Connect specific settings
providerUrl: http://keycloak/auth/realms/test
clientId: rdpgw
clientSecret: your-secret
# enabled / disabled capabilities
smartCardAuth: false
tokenAuth: true
# connection timeout in minutes, 0 is limitless
idleTimeout: 10
enablePrinter: true
enablePort: true
enablePnp: true
enableDrive: true
enableClipboard: true
# this is a go string templated with {{ username }} and {{ token }}
# the example below uses the ASCII field separator to distinguish
# between user and token
usernameTemplate: "{{ username }}@bla.com\x1f{{ token }}"
# rdp file settings see:
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/rdp-files
networkAutoDetect: 0
bandwidthAutoDetect: 1
ConnectionType: 6
# If true puts splits "user@domain.com" into the user and domain component so that
# domain gets set in the rdp file and the domain name is stripped from the username
SplitUserDomain: false
# a random string of at least 32 characters to secure cookies on the client
# make sure to share this amongst different pods
PAATokenSigningKey: thisisasessionkeyreplacethisjetzt
# PAATokenEncryptionKey: thisisasessionkeyreplacethisjetzt
UserTokenEncryptionKey: thisisasessionkeyreplacethisjetzt
# if you want to enable token generation for the user
# if true the username will be set to a jwt with the username embedded into it
EnableUserToken: true
# Verifies if the ip used to connect to download the rdp file equals from where the
# connection is opened.
VerifyClientIp: true
Testing locally
A convenience docker-compose allows you to test the RDPGW locally. It uses Keycloak
and xrdp and exposes it services on port 443. You will need to allow your browser
to connect to localhost with and self signed security certificate. For chrome set chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost
The username to login to both Keycloak and xrdp is admin
as is the password.
cd dev/docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Point your browser to https://your-gateway/connect
. After authentication
and RDP file will download to your desktop. This file can be opened by one
of the remote desktop clients and it will try to connect to the gateway and
desktop host behind it.
The gateway exposes an endpoint for the verification of user tokens at https://yourserver/tokeninfo . The query parameter is 'access_token' so you can just do a GET to https://yourserver/tokeninfo?access_token= . It will return 200 OK with the decrypted token.
In this way you can integrate, for example, it with pam-jwt.
- Integrate Open Policy Agent
- Integrate GOKRB5
- Integrate uber-go/zap
- Research: TLS defragmentation
- Improve Web Interface