<p align="center">A dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI,<br/> <i>inspired by Discord's color scheme.</i></p>
<p align="center">Everything is dark, including the graphs, context menus and all in between! Eyes need not be fried.</p>
The theme now runs its own JavaScript code which patches the colors for certain components (and charts). This approach is much better, and safer than what was used previously.
The installation is done via the CLI utility. Run the following commands on the PVE node serving the Web UI:
~# wget
~# bash install
Or this oneliner
bash <(curl -s ) install
To uninstall the theme, simply run the utility with the `uninstall` command.
## Installer & Security
The new installer relies on the `/meta/supported` and `/meta/imagelist` files being present in the repository. It also includes a silent mode. Run `bash -h` for usage instructions.
Furthermore, you will be able to provide the environment variables `REPO` and `TAG` to specify from what repository and from what commit tag to install the theme from.
`REPO` is in format `Username/Repository` and defaults to `Weilbyte/PVEDiscordDark` (this repository).
`TAG` defaults to `master`, but it is strongly recommended to use the SHA-1 commit hash for security.
## Offline bundle
If desired, the installation utility can be run offline. Upon detecting a folder called `offline` in the current working directory, the script will enter offline mode and use the resources within that folder instead of retrieving them from GitHub.
The `offline` folder must have the following files: `meta/[imagelist, supported]`, `PVEDiscordDark/images/*`, `PVEDiscordDark/js/PVEDiscordDark.js`, `PVEDiscordDark/sass/PVEDiscordDark.css`
You can find a zip containing the installer and offline folder under the artifact section of the GitHub Actions under this repository or as an asset attached to releases.
## Notes
Thanks to [jonasled]( for helping out with the old version, and thanks to [SmallEngineMechanic]( for catching bugs for the rewrite!