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  • Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from waitress import serve #Used as webserver (Production)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, abort, Markup, session, make_response, jsonify #Used to prepare the dynamic pages (The main site)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    import sqlite3 #Used to store the Data
    import os #Used for getting the enviorement variables
    import qrcode #Used to generate the QR
    import base64 #Used to encode the generated QR as base64, to directly insert it into the HTML
    from requests import post, get #Used to validate recaptcha / oauth
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    from io import BytesIO #Needed for base64 encoding of the image
    from PIL import Image #Needed for QR generation
    import json #used for github oauth
    from html import escape #This is used to escape characters, if they are send in the url
    from itsdangerous import URLSafeSerializer #used for signing the cookies
    import random #used for signing the cookies
    import string #used for signing the cookies
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    app = Flask(__name__)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    domain_to_index = {}
        domain = os.environ["domains"].split(";") #Get the domains from the enviorement variable. If no enviorement variable is set set it to (for testing)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        domain = ["localhost:5000", ""]
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if(os.environ["show_build_date"] == "1"): #If you want to see the builddate you can enable this enviorement variable
            builddate = open("builddate.txt", "r").read()
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            builddate = ""
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        builddate = "" #If the enviorement Variable is not set also skip the builddate
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if(os.environ["show_version"] == "1"): #If you want to see the builddate you can enable this enviorement variable
            version = open("VERSION", "r").read()
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            version = ""
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        version = "" #If the enviorement Variable is not set also skip the version
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        recaptchaPrivateKey = os.environ["recaptcha_private"] #Get the recaptcha keys, if not set set skipRecaptcha to true to skip the check. If the publicKey is not set the user also will not get the code needed for recaptcha delivered in the page.
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        recaptchaPublicKey = os.environ["recaptcha_public"]
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if(recaptchaPrivateKey != "") and (recaptchaPublicKey != ""): #If the variables are empty also skip the captcha
            skipCaptcha = False
            skipCaptcha = True
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        recaptchaPrivateKey = ""
        recaptchaPublicKey = ""
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        skipCaptcha = True
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if(os.environ["production"] == "1"): #If you use this in production, please set this to 1, because the Flask Testserver is not very secure (e.g. shows error on Website)
            production = True
            production = False
        production = False
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    try: #If you use https with a proxy afterwards you can set this to https and internal redirects will be https not http. This is to prevent bugs with modern browsers, bacause they block http content if the main page is loaded via https.
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        url_scheme = os.environ["url_scheme"]
        url_scheme = "http"
        GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = os.environ['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID']
        GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID']
        print("please set the oauth keys and run again.")
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if(os.environ["cookieNotice"] == 1):
            cookieNotice = True
            cookieNotice = False
        cookieNotice = True
        secretKey = open("db/secretKey.txt", "r").read()
        secretKey = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(100)) #If we can't find the secret key(first run) we generate it in this step and write it to a file
        print("generated secret Key. Key is: " + secretKey)
        f = open("db/secretKey.txt", "w")
        secretKey = open("db/secretKey.txt", "r").read()
    s = URLSafeSerializer(secretKey)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    sAPI = URLSafeSerializer("api_key_" + secretKey)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    index = 0
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    domain_prepared = ""
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    for domains in domain: #Make from every domnain a entry for the select box later
        domain_prepared = domain_prepared + '<option value="' + str(domains) + '">' + str(domains) + '</option>'
        domain_to_index[domains] = str(index)
        index = index + 1
    if(index > 1):
        showDomainSelect=True #Show only domain select, if there are more than one available
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        domain_prepared = domain[0]
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    def table_check(): #This function is used on start to make a new Database if not already exists.
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        create_table = """
            USERNAME TEXT
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            try: #Try making the database structure, if fails Database was already created.
            except sqlite3.OperationalError:
    def makeQR(text): #This function is used to create a QR code and encode it base64, if you make a new shortlink
        qr = qrcode.QRCode( #QR generation variables
        qr.add_data(text) #The URL is in the text variable
        qr.make(fit=True) #Generate the QR
        img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white") #Encode the WR as base 64
        with BytesIO() as buffer:
  , 'jpeg')
            return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()
    def grecaptcha_verify(request): #This function is used to verify the google recaptcha code, that is send to the server after submitting a new link
        if(skipCaptcha): return True #If recaptcha is disabled alwas return at this point true, which means response is verified
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        captcha_rs = request.form.get('g-recaptcha-response')
        url = "" #The baseurl
        headers = {'User-Agent': 'DebuguearApi-Browser',} #Useragent doesn't matters, but is set here
        params = {'secret': recaptchaPrivateKey, 'response': captcha_rs} #As paramtere we send to google our private Key and the key from the user
        verify_rs = post(url,params, headers=headers) #Send a post request with the parameters from before to googlde
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        verify_rs = verify_rs.json()
        response = verify_rs.get("success", False) #Verify that the response includes the success, if so return True, if not return False
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        return response 
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    @app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
    def home_get():
            loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/links" style="color:white">your links</a>, <a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)'
            loginbar = '<a href="#" onClick="showLogin()" style="color:white">login</a>'
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the default site to create a new shorten link
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) #This function is used to create a new url
    def home_post():
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            userID = s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID'))
            loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/links" style="color:white">your links</a>, <a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)'
            userID = "null"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            loginbar = '<a href="/user/login" style="color:white">login</a>'
        if not grecaptcha_verify(request):
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="There was an error validating, that you are a human, please try again.", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no url to short was provided
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if (request.form.get('url').replace(" ", "") == ""):
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a url to short, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no url to short was provided
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        if (request.form.get('short').replace(" ", "") == ""):
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a short name, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no short link was provided
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        shorturl = (request.form.get('domain') + "/" + request.form.get('short')).lower()
        url = request.form.get('url')
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Check if another user already used the short link
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=?', [shorturl])
                short = res.fetchone()
                already_used = False
                if short is not None:
                    already_used = True
            if not already_used: #If short link wasn't used before, insert the link in the Database.
                res = cursor.execute(
                    'INSERT INTO WEB_URL (LONG_URL, SHORT_URL, USERNAME) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                    [url, shorturl, userID]
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                return render_template('home.html', short_url=shorturl, recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, qrcode=makeQR(url_scheme + "://" + shorturl), loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the shorten link to the user
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="URL already used, please try another one", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because the url was already used
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    @app.route('/favicon.ico') #Redirect to the static url of the favicon
    def favicon():
        return redirect("/static/favicon.ico")
    def redirect_short_url(short_url):
        host = request.headers['Host']
        url = ""
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Get the original URL from the database
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=?', [host + "/" + short_url.lower()])
                short = res.fetchone()
                if short is not None: #If a long url is found
                    url = short[0]
                    error_404 = False
                    error_404 = True #If no url is found throw a 404. If you throw a error in a try / catch block it will be catched by this, so set a variable to true and throw the error later
            except Exception as e: #If there happens an error, print the exception to the console and throw a 500 error
                print(e) #Print a debug Message to the console
                abort(500) #Throw a 500 error. This means internal Server error.
        if not error_404: #If there was no 404 error before, redirect the user. If not throw a 404 error
            return redirect(url)
    def login():
        service = request.args.get("service")
        if(service == "github"): return redirect("" + GITHUB_CLIENT_ID + "&scope=user") #redirect the user to the github login page and ask for access to user data (name, email, ...)
        if(service == "google"): return redirect("" + GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID + "&scope=profile%20email%20openid&response_type=code&access_type=offline&include_granted_scopes=true&redirect_uri=" + url_scheme + "://" + domain[0] + "/user/google-callback")
        return render_template("login.html", cookieNotice=cookieNotice)
    def authorizeGoogle():
            code = request.args.get("code")
            url = "" #The baseurl
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',}
            params = {'client_id': GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret': GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, 'code': code, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": url_scheme + "://" + domain[0] + "/user/google-callback"} #As paramtere we send the client id and the client secret which we get from github when registering an application and the user code from before
            access_token = post(url,params, headers=headers).text.split('access_token": "')[1].split('"')[0]
            authorization_header = {"Authorization": "OAuth %s" % access_token}
            r = get("", headers=authorization_header)
            userID = r.text.split('"id": "')[1].split('"')[0]
            name = r.text.split('"name": "')[1].split('"')[0]
            resp = make_response(redirect('/')) #redirect the user at the end back to the main page
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            resp.set_cookie('userID', s.dumps("google_" + userID)) #set the cookies with username and userid
            resp.set_cookie('username', s.dumps(name))
            return resp
            return "Authentication failed"
    @app.route('/user/github-callback') #Github redirects to this link after the user authenticated. Then we use the Token we get from github and request via the github api the username and the userid
    def authorizeGithub():
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            code = request.args.get("code")
            url = "" #The baseurl
            params = {'client_id': GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret': GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET, 'code': code} #As paramtere we send the client id and the client secret which we get from github when registering an application and the user code from before
            oauth_token = post(url,params).text.split("access_token=")[1].split("&")[0] #Send a post request with the parameters from
            headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + oauth_token,} #Useragent doesn't matters, but is set here
            githubResponse = get("", headers=headers).text
            userID = str(json.loads(githubResponse)['id'])
            username = str(json.loads(githubResponse)['login'])
            resp = make_response(redirect('/')) #redirect the user at the end back to the main page
            resp.set_cookie('userID', s.dumps("github_" + userID)) #set the cookies with username and userid
            resp.set_cookie('username', s.dumps(username))
            return resp
            return "Authentication failed"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        resp = make_response("logout successful")
        resp.set_cookie('userID', "", max_age=0) #Set the max age of the cookies to 0, this means delete the cookies.
        resp.set_cookie('username', "", max_age=0)
        return resp
    @app.route('/user/links')#This function gives the user the posibility to see and delete his links
            userID = s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID')) #Get the userid from the cookie
            loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)' #This is the loginbar
            return redirect("/user/login") #If user is not logged in redirect him to the login page
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL, SHORT_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE USERNAME=?', [userID]) #Get all entries from the database, that are created by this user
            response = '<table id="t01">\n<tr>\n<th>Long URL</th>\n<th>Short URL</th>\n<th>Action</th>\n</tr>\n' #This is the layout of the table
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                entriesList = res.fetchall()
                for entries in entriesList: #for every entrie in the database add a line to the table
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                    response = response + "<tr>\n<td>" + entries[0] + "</td>\n<td>" + entries[1] + '</td>\n<td><a id="red" href="/user/delete?link=' + escape(entries[1]) + '">delete</a> <a href="#" id="dialog-link" onclick="buttonListener(\'' + entries[1] + '\', this)">QR</a></tr>\n'
                response = response + "</table>" #Close the table
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                if(len(entriesList) == 0): response = 'you have no shorten links.' #If user has no shorten links make this message
                abort(500) #Shouldn't happen, 500 means internal server error
            return render_template('editEntries.html', content=response, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #Put the table and the login div inside the template and server it to the user
    @app.route('/user/delete') #This function is called if a user deletes an entrie
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    def delete():
            userID = s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID')) #get the userid from the cookie
            loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)' # generate the login form
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            return redirect("/user/login") # if user is not logged in redirect him to the login page
        linkToDelete = request.args.get('link') #get the link, which the user want's to delete from the parameter in the url.
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            cursor = conn.cursor()
                cursor.execute('DELETE FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=? AND USERNAME=?', [linkToDelete, userID]) #Delete the entrie
                return redirect('/user/links') #redirect the user back to the table.
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    def makeQrCode():
        link = request.args.get('link')
        return "data:image/jpeg;base64," + makeQR(url_scheme + "://" + link)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    @app.route('/user/api', methods=['POST'])
    def api():
        username = "error"
            username = sAPI.loads(request.form['apikey'])
            short = request.form['short']
            return jsonify(
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                message="short link missing"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            longURL = request.form['long']
            return jsonify(
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                message="link to short is missing"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        domain_ = short.split("/")[0]
        if not domain_ in domain:
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            return jsonify(
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                message="domain for short link is not in allowed domain list"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
        with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Check if another user already used the short link
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=?', [short])
                short2 = res.fetchone()
                already_used = False
                if short2 is not None:
                    already_used = True
            if not already_used: #If short link wasn't used before, insert the link in the Database.
                res = cursor.execute(
                    'INSERT INTO WEB_URL (LONG_URL, SHORT_URL, USERNAME) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                    [longURL, short, username]
                    qr64 = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + makeQR(url_scheme + "://" + short)
                    return jsonify(
                    return jsonify(
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                return jsonify(
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
                    message="short url already in use"
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    @app.route('/user/api', methods=['GET'])
    def apiDocs():
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            userID = sAPI.dumps(s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID')))
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
            userID = ""
        return render_template("apiDocs.html", apikey=userID, domain=request.headers['Host'], url_scheme=url_scheme)
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        table_check()# This code checks whether database table is created or not
        if production: #Check if production variable is set to true use the waitress webserver, else use the buildin flask webserver, with more debug output
            serve(app, host=host, port= 5000, url_scheme=url_scheme) #Start the Webserver for all users on port 5000
    Jonas Leder's avatar
    Jonas Leder committed
  , port=5000, debug=True) #Start the Webserver in Debug mode. This means, if the script runs in an error, it will show the error message in Browser.