build: #This will be executed on every push. It builds an docker image, which is named after the branch, so you can always use the last state of the different branches.
- echo "building for branch $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
- sudo docker image prune -f #Delete old unused images
- sudo docker build -t$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME . #Build the image with the name already set to push
- sudo docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY #Login to docker registry, username and password will be filled while executing
- sudo docker push$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME #Push the image onto the Docker registry.
build-release: #This will be executed if you push on master, it makes a new release (latest) image
- echo "building branch $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME, Version $version"
- git config --global "build"
- git config --global ""
- git tag -a $version -m "$version" #add a tag with the current version
- git push --tags -o ci.skip ssh:// #Push the tag to the repo ci.skip means don't build the image again. I've configured an ssh key for the runner user,so it can push via ssh.
- sudo docker build -t . #Build the image with the name already set to push
- sudo docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY #Login to docker registry, username and password will be filled while executing
- sudo docker push #Push the image onto the Docker registry.
- sudo apt-get install -y python-pip #install pip, this is needed to install docker-compose in the next step
- sudo pip install docker-compose #Install docker-compose with pip
- replace "5000:5000" "5003:5000" -- docker-compose.yml #replace in docker-compose some settings. Variables will be replaced on execute.
- replace "domains=" "domains=$domains" -- docker-compose.yml #The domains I use for my url shorter
- replace "recaptcha_private=" "recaptcha_private=$recaptcha_private" -- docker-compose.yml #Recaptcha keys for protecting the create form from attacks
- replace "recaptcha_public=" "recaptcha_public=$recaptcha_public" -- docker-compose.yml
- replace "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=" "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" -- docker-compose.yml
- replace "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=" "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=$GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" -- docker-compose.yml