diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 1daeb54b4e5745c3bd0a38be883fd53c8b0d60ec..923585cf9f3a1f16bbfaf3aa1a9f0cc48471e7dc 100644
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    Copyright (C) 2020  Jonas Leder
+    Copyright (C) 2020  jonasled
     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
   If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
 notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    url_shorter_docker  Copyright (C) 2020  Jonas Leder
+    url_shorter_docker  Copyright (C) 2020  jonasled
     This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 78541bf7d725dd209d976f0d9e9316598e8d27e9..c2be3244a7cb7bdbe2f7c494e661de068cb3947f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ This is a URL shorter written in Python with Flask als Webhandler. The Webserver
 * account system based on google and github oauth (user can view and delete his links)
 * qr code generation after link is shorten
 * easy deployment
+* can run in offline enviorements, because no online files needed (behind a firewall)
 #### Why is this one better than other
 * no ADs
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ This is a URL shorter written in Python with Flask als Webhandler. The Webserver
 * posibility to use multiple domains
 * open source --> posibility to expand
 * very small and leightweight (at the moment the sourcecode is about 2mb)
+* can be used in offline enviorements, because no online files needed (behind a firewall)
 [![pipeline status](http://gitlab.jonasled.de/jonasled/url_shorter_docker/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](http://gitlab.jonasled.de/jonasled/url_shorter_docker/commits/master)
diff --git a/api.py b/api.py
index bf535ec2107456348f15df0ded1e3843b3d3d197..142c6935d178b2ec665f1045e2d2bf3fba658e61 100644
--- a/api.py
+++ b/api.py
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ from flask import jsonify, render_template
 from sqlite3 import connect
 from makeqr import makeQR
-def apiGet(request, url_scheme, s, sAPI):
+def apiGet(request, url_scheme, s, sAPI, passwordProtected):
         userID = sAPI.dumps(s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID')))
         userID = ""
-    return render_template("apiDocs.html", apikey=userID, domain=request.headers['Host'], url_scheme=url_scheme)
+    return render_template("apiDocs.html", apikey=userID, domain=request.headers['Host'], url_scheme=url_scheme, passwordProtected=passwordProtected)
-def apiPost(request, url_scheme, domain, sAPI):
+def apiPost(request, url_scheme, domain, sAPI, passwordProtected, password):
     username = "error"
         username = sAPI.loads(request.form['apikey'])
@@ -41,6 +41,21 @@ def apiPost(request, url_scheme, domain, sAPI):
             message="domain for short link is not in allowed domain list"
+    if passwordProtected:
+        try:
+            pw = request.form["password"]
+            if( pw != password):
+                return jsonify(
+                    status="5",
+                    message="Wrong password."
+                )      
+        except:
+            return jsonify(
+                status="5",
+                message="Wrong password."
+            )   
     with connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Check if another user already used the short link
         cursor = conn.cursor()
         res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=?', [short])
diff --git a/deletelink.py b/deletelink.py
index b68b155fa737ff99dd123b03ecd1d506c028d282..f7213de798d96bdc4d9abbe8245db1c3f420f544 100644
--- a/deletelink.py
+++ b/deletelink.py
@@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ def deleteLink(request, s):
         loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)' # generate the login form
         loginbar = loginbar + "" #to hide the unused variable message
-        return redirect("/user/login") # if user is not logged in redirect him to the login page
+        abort(404) #if the user is not logged in, hide this page and return not found
     linkToDelete = request.args.get('link') #get the link, which the user want's to delete from the parameter in the url.
     with connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=? AND USERNAME=?', [linkToDelete, userID]) #Delete the entrie
+            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=? AND USERNAME=?', [linkToDelete, userID]) #Delete the mapping
+            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ANALYTICS WHERE SHORT_URL=?', [linkToDelete]) #Delete the statistics
             return "OK" #response is only for ajax request
-            abort(500)
+            abort(500) #return internal server error, if something fails
 if (__name__ == "__main__"):
     print("This file is not made fore direct call, please run the main.py")
diff --git a/docker-compose-build.yml b/docker-compose-build.yml
index 24efe4b98b77a48a015c63612f4085f61e9ef2c5..6cfdf3401c88e740edfcb6a93fa0ef5549a1614b 100644
--- a/docker-compose-build.yml
+++ b/docker-compose-build.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ services:
+      - passwordToShort= #Insert here a password, if you wan't that only you can short links.
       - cookieNotice=1 #If you don't want to see the cookie notice set this to 0. Cookies are only used for login.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 4055b139c77cdbfce6318295ae96502bcd59cf4d..34063dfda0ff45970798e18102f39caa43e68197 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ services:
+      - passwordToShort= #Insert here a password, if you wan't that only you can short links.
       - cookieNotice=1 #If you don't want to see the cookie notice set this to 0. Cookies are only used for login.
diff --git a/home.py b/home.py
index f801c05536527ad95bf37e5f10c8ee4e6536c8bc..7933f7ec6575c552f3e7bc777ca8f0fddf09fe87 100644
--- a/home.py
+++ b/home.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 from flask import render_template, abort
-def home(request, builddate, version, domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, domain_to_index, s, loginEnabled):
+def home(request, builddate, version, domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, domain_to_index, s, loginEnabled, passwordProtected):
         loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/links" >your links</a>, <a href="/user/logout" >logout</a>)'
         loginbar = '<a href="#" onClick="showLogin()" >login</a>'
-        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice ,domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.headers["host"]], loginEnabled=loginEnabled) #return the default site to create a new shorten link
+        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice ,domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.headers["host"]], loginEnabled=loginEnabled, passwordProtected=passwordProtected) #return the default site to create a new shorten link
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 1cea7c3fdbf0f8150d29403bd361e1a3b3aab016..5ef70e402c235e6eb9fe34533df7b6cebf2fa2e6 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -82,6 +82,17 @@ try:
     loginEnabled = False
+    if(environ["passwordToShort"] != ""):
+        passwordProtected = True
+        password = environ["passwordToShort"]
+    else:
+        passwordProtected = False
+        password = ""
+    passwordProtected = False
+    password = ""
     try: #Try to get the oauth keys, if it fails, abort and print a message to console
@@ -132,11 +143,11 @@ app = Flask(__name__)
 @app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
 def home_get():
-    return home(request, builddate, version, domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, domain_to_index, s, loginEnabled)
+    return home(request, builddate, version, domain_prepared, recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, domain_to_index, s, loginEnabled, passwordProtected)
 @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) #This function is used to create a new url
 def home_post():
-    return newurl(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey, recaptchaPublicKey, builddate, version, domain_prepared, domain_to_index, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, s, url_scheme, loginEnabled)
+    return newurl(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey, recaptchaPublicKey, builddate, version, domain_prepared, domain_to_index, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, s, url_scheme, loginEnabled, passwordProtected, password)
 @app.route('/favicon.ico') #Redirect to the static url of the favicon
 def favicon():
@@ -190,12 +201,12 @@ def makeQrCode():
 @app.route('/user/api', methods=['POST'])
 def api():
-    return apiPost(request, url_scheme, domain, sAPI)
+    return apiPost(request, url_scheme, domain, sAPI, passwordProtected, password)
 @app.route('/user/api', methods=['GET'])
 def apiDocs():
-    return apiGet(request, url_scheme, s, sAPI)
+    return apiGet(request, url_scheme, s, sAPI, passwordProtected)
 def startup(production):
diff --git a/newurl.py b/newurl.py
index 7a399e559435a369b47345caf0733b6dcae693f2..17f97e100359ed44873c2ab2f2c993c328124ef6 100644
--- a/newurl.py
+++ b/newurl.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from flask import render_template
 from sqlite3 import connect
 from makeqr import makeQR
-def newurl(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey, recaptchaPublicKey, builddate, version, domain_prepared, domain_to_index, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, s, url_scheme, loginEnabled):
+def newurl(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey, recaptchaPublicKey, builddate, version, domain_prepared, domain_to_index, showDomainSelect, cookieNotice, s, url_scheme, loginEnabled, passwordProtected, password):
         userID = s.loads(request.cookies.get('userID'))
         loginbar = "Hello " + s.loads(request.cookies.get('username')) + ' (<a href="/user/links" >your links</a>, <a href="/user/logout" >logout</a>)'
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ def newurl(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey, recaptchaPublicKey, buildd
         userID = "null"
         loginbar = '<a href="/user/login" >login</a>'
     if not grecaptcha_verify(request, skipCaptcha, recaptchaPrivateKey):
-        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="There was an error validating, that you are a human, please try again.", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no url to short was provided
+        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="There was an error validating, that you are a human, please try again.", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice, passwordProtected=passwordProtected) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because recaptcha failed
+    if passwordProtected and (request.form.get("password") != password):
+        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Wrong password, please try again.", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice, passwordProtected=passwordProtected) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because the password was wrong
     if (request.form.get('url').replace(" ", "") == ""):
-        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a url to short, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no url to short was provided
+        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a url to short, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice, passwordProtected=passwordProtected) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no url to short was provided
     if (request.form.get('short').replace(" ", "") == ""):
-        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a short name, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no short link was provided
+        return render_template('home.html', builddate=builddate, version=version, domain=domain_prepared, snackbar="Please enter a short name, before submitting this form", long_url_prefilled=request.form.get('url'), short_url_prefilled=request.form.get('short').lower(), domain_prefilled=domain_to_index[request.form.get('domain')], recaptchaPublicKey=recaptchaPublicKey, showDomainSelect=showDomainSelect, loginEnabled=loginEnabled, loginbar=loginbar, cookieNotice=cookieNotice, passwordProtected=passwordProtected) #return the user the prefilled form with an error message, because no short link was provided
     shorturl = (request.form.get('domain') + "/" + request.form.get('short').replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "").replace("?","")).lower()
     url = request.form.get('url')
diff --git a/templates/apiDocs.html b/templates/apiDocs.html
index 83441f089bd76b3c0d837b1c93645b8ee6863983..915e9b49c4f566e802ca8842562268b9a05e884b 100644
--- a/templates/apiDocs.html
+++ b/templates/apiDocs.html
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
         <li>long: the long URL you want to short</li>
         <li>qr: if you add this parameter you will get an base64 encoded QR code image</li>
         <li>apikey: you can add this argument, if you want to assign this link to your account.</li>
+        {% if passwordProtected %}
+        <li>password: this value contains the password, that is needed to short a link.</li>
+        {% endif %}
     <p>example API call with curl: <i>curl -d "{% if apikey %}apikey={{apikey}}&{% endif %}short={{domain}}/example&long=http://example.com" -X POST {{url_scheme}}://{{domain}}/user/api</i>
@@ -96,6 +99,12 @@
             <td>The short URL is already taken.</td>
+        {% if passwordProtected %}
+        <tr>
+            <td>5</td>
+            <td>Wrong Password</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/home.html b/templates/home.html
index fa49ca7041c8ee0fc6d8c71580714aff4bf4677d..61b030b073f6c7bebaef6e50ca66f0decd7ec147 100644
--- a/templates/home.html
+++ b/templates/home.html
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
                   <input type="hidden" name="domain" id="domain" value={{domain}}>
                   {% endif %}
                   <input id="short" name="short" type="text" placeholder="short name" value="{{short_url_prefilled}}"/>
+                  {% if passwordProtected %}
+                  <input id="password" name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password"/>
+                  {% endif %}
                   {% if recaptchaPublicKey %}
                   <button class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{recaptchaPublicKey}}" data-callback='onSubmit'>short</button>