diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index f16419eeec636b9f754a70fcead5b89734b5cf85..be7b1811b2cda7f3c052da0e1752b76f269c73fa 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ try:
     app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'] = os.environ['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID']
     app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'] = os.environ['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET']
-    print("github client id sor client secret is not set, please set these and run again.")
+    print("github client id or client secret is not set, please set these and run again.")
 github = GitHub(app)
@@ -210,69 +210,68 @@ def redirect_short_url(short_url):
 def login():
-    return github.authorize(scope="user")
+    return github.authorize(scope="user") #redirect the user to the github login page and ask for access to user data (name, email, ...)
+@app.route('/user/github-callback') #Github redirects to this link after the user authenticated. Then we use the Token we get from github and request via the github api the username and the userid
 def authorized(oauth_token):
     if oauth_token is None:
-        return "oauth failed, please try again"
+        return "oauth failed, please try again" #If you call this page manual you get this error
     headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + oauth_token,} #Useragent doesn't matters, but is set here
     githubResponse = get("https://api.github.com/user", headers=headers).text
     userID = str(json.loads(githubResponse)['id'])
     username = str(json.loads(githubResponse)['login'])
-    resp = make_response(redirect('/'))
-    resp.set_cookie('userID', userID)
+    resp = make_response(redirect('/')) #redirect the user at the end back to the main page
+    resp.set_cookie('userID', userID) #set the cookies with username and userid
     resp.set_cookie('username', username)
     return resp
 def logout():
     resp = make_response("logout successful")
-    resp.set_cookie('userID', "", max_age=0)
+    resp.set_cookie('userID', "", max_age=0) #Set the max age of the cookies to 0, this means delete the cookies.
     resp.set_cookie('username', "", max_age=0)
     return resp
+@app.route('/user/links')#This function gives the user the posibility to see and delete his links
 def ownLinks():
-        userID = request.cookies.get('userID')
-        loginbar = "Hello " + request.cookies.get('username') + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)'
+        userID = request.cookies.get('userID') #Get the userid from the cookie
+        loginbar = "Hello " + request.cookies.get('username') + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)' #This is the loginbar
-        return redirect("/user/login")
+        return redirect("/user/login") #If user is not logged in redirect him to the login page
-    with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Get the original URL from the database
+    with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-        res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL, SHORT_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE USERNAME=?', [userID])
-        response = '<table id="t01">\n<tr>\n<th>Long URL</th>\n<th>Short URL</th>\n<th>Action</th>\n</tr>\n'
+        res = cursor.execute('SELECT LONG_URL, SHORT_URL FROM WEB_URL WHERE USERNAME=?', [userID]) #Get all entries from the database, that are created by this user
+        response = '<table id="t01">\n<tr>\n<th>Long URL</th>\n<th>Short URL</th>\n<th>Action</th>\n</tr>\n' #This is the layout of the table
             entriesList = res.fetchall()
-            for entries in entriesList:
+            for entries in entriesList: #for every entrie in the database add a line to the table
                 response = response + "<tr>\n<td>" + entries[0] + "</td>\n<td>" + entries[1] + '</td>\n<td><a id="red" href="/user/delete?link=' + escape(entries[1]) + '">delete</a></tr>\n'
-            if(len(entriesList) == 0): response = 'you have no shorten links. <a href="/">back</a>'
+            response = response + "</table>" #Close the table
+            if(len(entriesList) == 0): response = 'you have no shorten links. <a href="/">back</a>' #If user has no shorten links make this message with a back button
-            abort(500)
-        response = response + "</table>"
-        return render_template('editEntries.html', content=response, loginbar=loginbar)
+            abort(500) #Shouldn't happen, 500 means internal server error
+        return render_template('editEntries.html', content=response, loginbar=loginbar) #Put the table and the login div inside the template and server it to the user
+@app.route('/user/delete') #This function is called if a user deletes an entrie
 def delete():
-        userID = request.cookies.get('userID')
-        loginbar = "Hello " + request.cookies.get('username') + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)'
+        userID = request.cookies.get('userID') #get the userid from the cookie
+        loginbar = "Hello " + request.cookies.get('username') + ' (<a href="/user/logout" style="color:white">logout</a>)' # generate the login form
-        return redirect("/user/login")
-    linkToDelete = request.args.get('link')
+        return redirect("/user/login") # if user is not logged in redirect him to the login page
+    linkToDelete = request.args.get('link') #get the link, which the user want's to delete from the parameter in the url.
-    with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn: #Get the original URL from the database
+    with sqlite3.connect('db/urls.db') as conn:
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=? AND USERNAME=?', [linkToDelete, userID])
-            return redirect('/user/links')
+            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM WEB_URL WHERE SHORT_URL=? AND USERNAME=?', [linkToDelete, userID]) #Delete the entrie
+            return redirect('/user/links') #redirect the user back to the table.