diff --git a/Marlin/src/core/boards.h b/Marlin/src/core/boards.h
index 2f3a132c9a9d22bfb4ebf520fb8a5f5b6eb19768..05b7028fee2955789bf78f92fadea8755e282434 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/core/boards.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/core/boards.h
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
 #define BOARD_MORPHEUS                1806  // STM32F103C8/STM32F103CB Libmaple based stm32f1 controller
 #define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN               1808  // MKS Robin / STM32F103ZET6
 #define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_MINI          1813  // MKS Robin Mini / STM32F103VET6
+#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_NANO          1812  // MKS Robin Nano / STM32F103VET6
 #define BOARD_BIGTREE_SKR_MINI_V1_1   1814  // STM32F103RC
 #define BOARD_JGAURORA_A5S_A1         1820  // JGAurora A5S A1 / STM32F103ZET6
 #define BOARD_FYSETC_AIO_II           1890  // FYSETC AIO_II
diff --git a/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h b/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
index 31569a6f493476af3eb1813b1c75284953444d13..958ed115796e6b1514bd4cd2cbe6e4755d206490 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
@@ -434,6 +434,8 @@
   #include "pins_MKS_ROBIN.h"         // STM32F1                                    env:mks_robin
   #include "pins_MKS_ROBIN_MINI.h"    // STM32F1                                    env:mks_robin_mini
+  #include "pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO.h"    // STM32F1                                    env:mks_robin_nano
 #elif MB(JGAURORA_A5S_A1)
   #include "pins_JGAURORA_A5S_A1.h"   // STM32F1                                    env:JGAURORA_A5S_A1
diff --git a/Marlin/src/pins/pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO.h b/Marlin/src/pins/pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e931cdda4c0d9088564bb4c945e07b4d50318ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marlin/src/pins/pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+ * MKS Robin nano (STM32F130VET6) board pin assignments
+ */
+#ifndef __STM32F1__
+  #error "Oops! Select an STM32F1 board in 'Tools > Board.'"
+#if HOTENDS > 2 || E_STEPPERS > 2
+  #error "MKS Robin nano supports up to 2 hotends / E-steppers. Comment out this line to continue."
+#define BOARD_NAME "MKS Robin nano"
+// Release PB4 (Y_ENABLE_PIN) from JTAG NRST role
+// Note: MKS Robin board is using SPI2 interface.
+#define SPI_MODULE 2
+// Limit Switches
+#define X_STOP_PIN        PA15
+#define Y_STOP_PIN        PA12
+#define Z_MIN_PIN         PA11
+#define Z_MAX_PIN         PC4
+// Steppers
+#define X_ENABLE_PIN       PE4
+#define X_STEP_PIN         PE3
+#define X_DIR_PIN          PE2
+#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       PE1
+#define Y_STEP_PIN         PE0
+#define Y_DIR_PIN          PB9
+#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       PB8
+#define Z_STEP_PIN         PB5
+#define Z_DIR_PIN          PB4
+#define E0_ENABLE_PIN      PB3
+#define E0_STEP_PIN        PD6
+#define E0_DIR_PIN         PD3
+#define E1_ENABLE_PIN      PA3
+#define E1_STEP_PIN        PA6
+#define E1_DIR_PIN         PA1
+// Temperature Sensors
+#define TEMP_0_PIN         PC1   // TH1
+#define TEMP_1_PIN         PC2   // TH2
+#define TEMP_BED_PIN       PC0   // TB1
+// Heaters / Fans
+#define HEATER_0_PIN       PC3   // HEATER1
+#define HEATER_1_PIN       PB0   // HEATER2
+#define HEATER_BED_PIN     PA0   // HOT BED
+#define FAN_PIN            PA1   // FAN
+#define BTN_ENC            PC13  // Pin is not connected. Real pin is needed to enable encoder's push button functionality used by touch screen
+//#define MAX6675_SS_PIN     PE5  // TC1 - CS1
+//#define MAX6675_SS_PIN     PE6  // TC2 - CS2
+#define POWER_LOSS_PIN     PA2   // PW_DET
+#define PS_ON_PIN          PA3   // PW_OFF
+#define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN     PA4   // MT_DET
+#define BEEPER_PIN         PC5
+#define LED_PIN            PB2
+ * Note: MKS Robin TFT screens may have different TFT controllers
+ * If the screen stays white, disable 'LCD_RESET_PIN' to rely on the bootloader to do screen initialization.
+ */
+#define LCD_RESET_PIN      PF6
+#define NO_LCD_REINIT             // Suppress LCD re-initialization
+#define FSMC_CS_PIN        PD7   // NE4
+#define FSMC_RS_PIN        PD11  // A0
+#define TOUCH_CS           PA7
+#define SD_DETECT_PIN      PD12
diff --git a/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/ldscripts/mks_robin_nano.ld b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/ldscripts/mks_robin_nano.ld
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..785345543c0c870dff0a9f825e83ab4236481fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/ldscripts/mks_robin_nano.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K - 40
+  rom (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x08007000, LENGTH = 512K - 28K
+/* Provide memory region aliases for common.inc */
+/* Let common.inc handle the real work. */
+INCLUDE common.inc
diff --git a/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/mks_robin_nano.py b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/mks_robin_nano.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb8bca9b5234f90e32c538f4737c8f1a861bad56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/mks_robin_nano.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Relocate firmware from 0x08000000 to 0x08007000
+for define in env['CPPDEFINES']:
+    if define[0] == "VECT_TAB_ADDR":
+        env['CPPDEFINES'].remove(define)
+env['CPPDEFINES'].append(("VECT_TAB_ADDR", "0x08007000"))
+# Encrypt ${PROGNAME}.bin and save it as 'Robin_nano.bin'
+def encrypt(source, target, env):
+    import os
+    key = [0xA3, 0xBD, 0xAD, 0x0D, 0x41, 0x11, 0xBB, 0x8D, 0xDC, 0x80, 0x2D, 0xD0, 0xD2, 0xC4, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x26, 0xEB, 0xE3, 0x33, 0x4A, 0x15, 0xE4, 0x0A, 0xB3, 0xB1, 0x3C, 0x93, 0xBB, 0xAF, 0xF7, 0x3E]
+    firmware = open(target[0].path, "rb")
+    robin = open(target[0].dir.path +'/Robin_nano.bin', "wb")
+    length = os.path.getsize(target[0].path)
+    position = 0
+    try:
+        while position < length:
+            byte = firmware.read(1)
+            if position >= 320 and position < 31040:
+                byte = chr(ord(byte) ^ key[position & 31])
+            robin.write(byte)
+            position += 1
+    finally:
+        firmware.close()
+        robin.close()
+env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", encrypt);
diff --git a/platformio.ini b/platformio.ini
index 45eba7e771b12ae5f33f2f4afb1d144a854e68ad..82e7cf6dfbd68f2cccb6753257bd304f70634264 100644
--- a/platformio.ini
+++ b/platformio.ini
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ lib_ignore    = c1921b4
-# MKS Robin nano (STM32F103VET6)
+# MKS Robin Mini (STM32F103VET6)
 platform      = ststm32
@@ -397,6 +397,27 @@ lib_ignore    = c1921b4
+# MKS Robin Nano (STM32F103VET6)
+platform      = ststm32
+framework     = arduino
+board         = genericSTM32F103VE
+extra_scripts = buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/mks_robin_nano.py
+build_flags   = !python Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/STM32F1_flag_script.py
+  ${common.build_flags} -std=gnu++14
+build_unflags = -std=gnu++11
+src_filter    = ${common.default_src_filter} +<src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1>
+lib_deps      = ${common.lib_deps}
+lib_ignore    = c1921b4
+  libf3c
+  lib066
+  Adafruit NeoPixel_ID28
+  Adafruit NeoPixel
+  libf3e
+  TMC26XStepper
 # JGAurora A5S A1 (STM32F103ZET6)